
Surgery at Gumbo Limbo

Here is a quick update on some of the turtles down at The Gumbo Limbo Nature Center. Last Tuesday January 26th Disney came down with a surgical truck to assist in the removal of papilloma tumors (learn more about these tumors here) of 35 green sea turtles.

Above you can see Dr. Mettee removing some tumors from the inguinal area of one of the 35 sea turtles that were operated on. The veterinarians were using lasers that cauterize as they cut. As described in a previous blog these tumors are highly vascularized, meaning they bleed a lot after being cut which is why using a laser is key.

Flushing an eye of an intubated turtles after a tumor was removed.

A pile of fibropapilloma tumors. (Photos taken by Phil Elmore Courtesy of Dr. Nancy Mettee)

Below are two videos that were shot by the team at Gumbo Limbo during the surgeries. Warning video is of surgical procedures they may be graphic to some viewers!

Last I heard all 35 animals are doing well and they are monitoring the sites of tumor removals. Hopefully all the turtles will make a quick recovery and be able to be released as soon as allowable.

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see how some of these turtles are recovering. They have so much energy!
