Each winter up to 150 cold-stunned sea turtles are rescued and brought to the Aquarium for rehabilitation so they can be released back into the wild. The Marine team chooses a naming theme for these turtles every year. This year's theme is comic book heroes and villains. In this post, Adam introduces some new patients.
The Heroes
#8 Nightcrawler: Came in on November 7. Has been doing really good and is starting to fill out his/her shell. It's teleportation power is also coming in pretty handy as the turtle moves from one turtle lane to another (with the assistance of staff and volunteers of course!).

#11 Bishop: Another turtle that came in fairly early on is also doing well. Bishop does not have to travel through or pause time to realize that that these X-turtles will help get better. And that getting a free meal is the best way to recovery in the turtle hospital.

#17 Cyclops: You can see in the photo this turtle has some antibiotic ointment on the right eye. All though we do know that the eye is fully functional when the triple antibiotic ointment is applied it does limit the use of the eye. As the scarring heals this turtle will return to full vision.
All of these turtles need to get better soon as one of their arch villains is in the lane next to them!
The Villains
#29 The Juggernaut: It takes three volunteers to hold him!
Juggernaut is currently our only loggerhead sea turtle. This turtle has definitely been through some scrapes before getting to our hospital unit. (S)he has suffered some minor cracks on the plastron and has some lacerations and smaller cuts in the shoulder area as well as on the carapace. But, like the mighty Juggernaut, I have no fear this turtle will conquer those injuries and get back out to the ocean to wreck havoc on crabs and shellfish everywhere!
Now for the comic panels...

It is a tough job patrolling the waters against possible attack.
For now...
But eventually they may need reinforcements. Fortunately another hero has joined the team!
Rescue team volunteer Diane is holding Colossus.
#39 Colossus: This one is our largest Kemp's ridley this stranding season weighing in at a whopping 4.75 kilograms (10.5 lbs).
Above you can "see" Diane behind the turtle. This turtle is so big that it actually fully blocks her.
Though this turtle is a little over ten pounds, its biggest problem is anorexia and thinness. A turtle this size should be closer to fifteen pounds. Colossus still hasn't eaten yet but we are working hard at getting him or her to start.
Stay tuned for more turtle patient introductions ... Wolverine vs Sabretooth?
All comic book images are from Marvel.com, click on each image to link to source.
Learn more about the 2011 rescued turtles
The Aquarium's Marine Animal Rescue team is rehabilitating dozens of rescued sea turtles brought in by volunteers walking beaches along Cape Cod. These turtles will be treated until they are well enough for release
into the wild, then they will be returned to the ocean in warmer waters.
See photos of a recent release in this post. Caring for all the turtles is a big job, and any way you can help is appreciated. All comic book images are from Marvel.com, click on each image to link to source.