
How can you help the rescue team?

As the cold-stunning season begins, we expect to be caring for a lot of sea turtles over the next several months, and we need your help! In addition to getting the latest news here on the blog (subscribe here), there are some important things you can do.

Acadia during her rescue in Wellfleet, Mass. (Photo: Joseph Tatulli)

Use The Hotline
Sea turtles in our region do not typically come ashore unless they are seriously debilitated. If you are on Cape Cod or the Islands and see a turtle on shore call the Wellfleet Audubon Turtle Hotline at 508-349-2615 ext:104 if you are north of Cape cod call the New England Aquarium's 24-hour Marine Animal Hotline: (617) 973-5247. Please try to remain calm and leave your name, location of animal and a phone number where you can be reached.

Volunteer with the Marine Animal Rescue Team. We rely heavily on volunteer support! Once properly trained, volunteers assist us in our hospital by providing care to rescued animals as well as working in the office and lab. Field volunteers play a vital role as our eyes and ears on the beaches providing us with detailed information about animals that come ashore.

Volunteers Melissa and Inge assist the Rescue staff during sea turtle season.

Donate Using Your Cell Phone
Make a $5 donation now using your cell phone. Here's the details.

Other Donations
You can also make a donation to help the Aquarium care for these animals. You can donate to our
Proud Parent animal sponsorship program or you can make a larger donation using this online form.

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