
Crater Lake Loses a Weeklong Struggle

Rescue Team member Kerry McNally with Crater

We are very sorry to report that Crater Lake, the Kemp's ridley sea turtle with severe propeller wounds, died overnight. Crater's energy level dropped on Sunday and the blood work started to take a turn for the worse. Aquarium veterinarians adjusted fluid therapy and prescribed new medications in an effort to save Crater, but unfortunately were not successful.

With such severe injuries, this outcome is not completely unexpected, but we had been hopeful when Crater seemed to be doing well in the first week after admission. We will continue to study Crater's case today in an effort to understand more, which will hopefully help us treat turtles with similar injuries in the future.




  1. I'm very sorry to hear about Crater. Hopefully his story will help others learn about his type of injury and how to save other turtles. Good work, Rescue Team :)

  2. Too bad. These little guys are so cute.

    Keep up the good work.

