(I'm sure that is exactly what this turtle was thinking...)

Hi all,
Thanks to those of you who tuned in yesterday for our first sea turtle web cast ! We were joined by more than 160 viewers from 10 countries including; the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Russia, Australia, Spain, Norway, South Korea and the Netherlands. Wow - looks like people all over the world are interested in endangered sea turtles.
This was great fun for all of us involved, I thought I would give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to do a web cast. First testing the equipment is one essential step, the other is making sure the person testing knows how to work it, for that we brought in the expert!
In the photos below, Jeff Ives, the Aquarium's editorial manager, tests out the webcam camera. The camera is tiny, you can see it in his left hand in both photos. If you look closely at the screen on Jeff's computer you can see the image broadcast over the Internet to the website.

In the photo below on the left you can see a close up the tiny camera. The photo on the right is a little deceiving in terms of the size of the camera. Jeff's laptop is one of those mini lightweight laptops.

Jeff arrived early to set up he computer equipment, camera, and microphone. I had to be careful not to become entangled in the microphone cord as we moved around during the live broadcast.

Jeff also taught one of our long term volunteers, Alexandra, to use the High Definition video camera. Alexandra filmed our broadcast, which is up now for those that missed it.

We had a few problems with the sound but all in all it went very well. We will be doing more of these in the future on various topics so stayed tuned.
- Connie
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