And the winning name is... Beast!

Left Dave is holding the newly named Beast. Right is our namesake's picture.
Besides the four other choices we had some strong write-in contenders.
Here were a few:

Rainbow Dash


and Woody!
Chuck Norris also had a strong following.
Some other write-in names were... Mr. Freeze, Colossus, Storm and The Hulk. Those of you who wrote in those names are already winners: Some of our other turtles have already received those names!
Although Beast looks small in the kennel. This turtle weighs in at 49.94 pounds! The turtles get brought out for exams several times a week to make sure they are progressing in the right direction.
Diane and Danielle get ready to lift Beast to go back into the water.
Hopefully this turtle enjoys the name that was chosen! Thanks to all of you for your votes. There were over 7,000 votes cast! Lots of friendly competition out there and amongst the staff here. We had fun and hope you did too!
Beast continue to get healthy and live a long life. Thank you to all who participated in this project to make good things haqppen.