
Photos from Turtle Rescue Season: A whole lot of turtle

The Rescue Team will be posting details about the transports and treatments at the Animal Care Center in the days and weeks ahead. In the meantime, we'll be sharing pictures and video of the activity at the sea turtle hospital so you can have a feel for the action during this incredibly busy year—150 live turtles treated so far, and still counting!

As we've mentioned here and here, this has been a remarkable turtle rescue season not only because of the numbers of turtles but because we're getting a lot of larger turtles that need care. Where our Kemp's ridley sea turtles might weigh in at about 3-6 pounds, some of the loggerhead sea turtles tip the scales at 50 to 100 pounds. Here's a look at some of the loggerhead sea turtles during their treatment at the Aquarium's Animal Care Center.

Getting some exercise in one of the tanks. The green barrel provides a bit of enrichment for the turtles—whether they're swimming through it or nestling into the covered nook for a nap. Photo: Lizzy Flanagan

A loggerhead awaits treatment. Note the wide, blocky and reddish color of its head. That's one way to tell it's a loggerhead. 
Photo: Lizzy Flanagan

Aquarium biologist Eric Payne delivers IV fluids. The towel on its head helps reduce the turtle's stress level during the treatment. 
Photo: Lizzy Flanagan

The loggerheads are too big for the kiddie pools that are used to exercise the Kemp's ridley sea turtles. The big guys are hefted into larger tubs for their initial test swim.

A loggerhead rests during his initial test swim at the Aquarium's Animal Care Center. Photo: Lizzy Flanagan

Even the large turtles need lifeguards

A loggerhead sea turtle is prepared for a treatment by former Aquarium Rescue staff member, Belinda Rubinstein.

Of course, none of these turtles are as big as Myrtle at the Aquarium, or the leatherback sea turtle that was rescued earlier this fall (by the way—he is doing great out in the big blue, map to follow after this event). But these loggerheads are big and strong...and amazing. We're happy to able to treat these endangered animals with the help of our rescue partners and volunteers.

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