
Lasered to a Golden Crisp

 #32 "Golden Crisp", a rescued Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, was admitted last year cold-stunned.

#32-"Golden Crisp" when first admitted; lethargic, emaciated, and cold-stunned.

Once in rehab, staff noticed swelling in both front flippers and the left rear flipper. Coinciding with the swelling, "Golden Crisp" began to use these flippers less and less.

Swelling of the left rear flipper
Swelling of the right front flipper

Radiographs, laser therapy, cultures and exploratory surgery were performed to help diagnose and treat "Golden Crisp."

Laser therapy is used to help reduce swelling and promote greater range of motion.

"Golden Crisp" undergoes exploratory surgery of the left rear joint and the left front joint. Necrotic bone and tissue were removed and cultured.

After the surgery, "Golden Crisp" was moved to a different tank to encourage greater range of motion of the flippers. In the past few weeks since the surgery, this turtle has been using the right front flipper and rear left flipper more and more.

— Linda

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