On June 22, 2014 the four loggerhead sea turtles we met in the
Return of the Loggerheads blog were transported from Aquarium's Rescue and Rehabilitation Center to Assateague State Park in Maryland for release. The Rescue Team was lucky enough to be joined by Asheley Simpson and Shannon Prendiville. Shannon and Asheley played a crucial role in the rehabilitation of these four loggerheads. The Rescue Team is forever grateful to these two for their tireless dedication and expertise.
Release day started in the early morning hours on Sunday. All the turtles were prepped and loaded into the vehicles for a ride down to Maryland. Two loggerhead sea turtles, Sugar Plum and Andes were outfitted with satellite tags. The satellite tags give us the opportunity to track the turtles' migrations. For an exciting opportunity
to watch the turtle's movements you can go to seaturtle.org.
Asheley applies lubricant to Andes to help keep the turtle moist throughout the journey.
It takes a team effort to load these large sea turtles into the vehicles. |
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