It's been a very busy time for us in the field and in the sea turtle clinic. As a result, I have not had a chance to post another map until now. We had an exciting week monitoring these animals. First and foremost, they both seem to be doing very well. (Read about efforts to rescue these dolphins from a mass stranding on Cape Cod here.)
We had the very good fortune of a live sighting of one of animals on two occasions. The animal that has been using the waters in and around Cape Cod Bay and Stellwagen Bank was sighted by the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies and the IFAW teams. We have received photos of the sightings, which I hope to post tomorrow.
Below is a map created by Kerry Lagueux. You can see that dolphin #63 has gone out and around the hook of Provincetown. If the animal stays in that area we may have luck with additional sightings. Animal #62 has traveled great distances and is now far offshore off the coast of Delaware.

I wasn't aware that the range was all the way to DE. That is fascinating that #62 has made it that far. Keep the updates coming.