
On Pins & Needles: Sea Turtle Acupuncture

One of our turtles, #113(Tuzigoot) is still listed as one of our critical animals. The turtle is having difficulties opening its jaw wide enough to consume food. Upon initial assessment by X-rays and palpation nothing abnormal was found.

So, with no conclusive reasons for the lack of ability to open the beak Dr. Innis scheduled other diagnostics including inviting licensed Acupuncturist Claire Mcmanus to look at our turtle. In addition to doing human acupuncture Claire also has done work with the animals at the Franklin Park Zoo.

In the photo above you can see Claire applying an acupuncture needles.
After three sessions with Claire. Along with an MRI and a biopsy of the muscle that assists in closing the jaw. The turtle is starting to turn the corner and is able to open its beak wider and wider.

Watching the turtle relax as the needles do their work!

We are expecting several more sessions of acupuncture in the weeks to come.


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